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Showing posts from May, 2008

Brooklyn's Progressions

I have gone off-track for a while - for after all - isn't this entire blog supposed to be all about Brooklyn?!! So, here is where she is: She is still HEALTHY AND STRONG at 22 rolley pounds! A few stats: 29.5 inches (still off the charts), 21 lbs (80th percentile) , and 18 inch head circ. (97th percentile) She is BRILLIANT - She waves and gives kisses to everyone on command! She is MOVING like Crazy - getting into everything - even baskets! (Sorry, I just had to put all these photos in, this series is so cute!) She is EATING real foods - mostly carrots, bananas and cheerios -and she's got 8 teeth ! ...J/K!!! She is CRAWLING - every day she is faster! She is STANDING - she pulls herself to stand in her crib, at the coffee table and couch all by herself! She is ENTERTAINING - or should I say being entertained! Thank you McCallie for being so wonderful and loving to us! Especially Gail for being my swimming babysitter! The other day I left her with one of the boys for 10

Reflections on Motherhood

My dear friend Rochelle sent me a book, "I am a Mother" by Jane Clayson Johnson. It has touched my heart and helped me to realize what a sacred and wonderful calling Motherhood is. It has helped me be proud of what I do - I am a Mother! I wanted to share some of my favorite quotes from it - for all my mother-friends. "When the real history of mankind is fully disclosed, will it feature the echoes of gunfire, or the shaping sound of lullabies? The great armistices made by military men or the peacemaking of women in homes and in neighborhoods ? Will what happened in cradles and kitchens prove to be more controlling than what happened in Congresses ?" (Elder Neal A. Maxwell). At times, there may be few immediate rewards for those of us who are mothers. There are no Christmas bonuses, no promotions, no paid vacations. But there is love, there is laughter, there is joy. And there are assurances. For, as the Apostle Paul taught, "Eye hath not seen, nor ear h

A Day out with the Fridays!

Brooklyn and I went to our first major league baseball game the other night! The same weekend we went out for dinner with the Fridays. Always a good time

Happy Mother's Day!

As a new Mom , I am grasping how absolutely incredible My Mom is. I have always known she is amazing , but every day, I realize how wonderful she is in another way. In ways like how she stayed at home Mom with one child, away from all family and most friends. How she made (mostly) Delicious and always Nutritious meals for 3, and soon 8 every day for over 25 years! In growing a Herbalife business with 1,2,3, 4, 5 and 6 kids! Actually, doing everything she did with that many kids! One of the best examples of her strength, ingenuity and pure guts was that she took all 8 of her family members around the world for an entire year ! It boggles my mind! Every step of pregnancy and now motherhood I wonder how one would do it with another child -LET ALONE 6! I have not figured it out, but she did it brilliantly with wisdom and grace . I am grateful for her incredible example of selflessness, love , intelligence, intuition , spirituality and care. She is my HERO! Even though I am

Great Photos!

I just had to blog these! I am so grateful that Trey is such a wonderful Daddy and husband! ...and has such wonderful parents!

A Few Good Causes

There are three great causes that I would like to share/promote through my blog. (No I am not getting any sort of compensation for this - they are truly causes I believe in!) First, Dana sent out a great email the other day with some great helpers so we can do our part in saving the environment. As a former BYU Recycling Club member, I too feel a need to spread the word! The phone is line 1 877 EARTH 911 or 1 800 CLEANUP just call & they give you community specific info just type in your zip code: 1. local info on energy conservation info 2. recycling products inc. CRV & household hazardous materials ie pesticides 3. water quality protection & clean boating tips 4. home composting 5. how to save $ & environment shop smart 6. incorporate renewable energy in your life 7. Professional wet cleaning info 8. Growers free recycling motor oil etc Some other ideas of what we could all do to help is to plant a tree this year, plant low