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Showing posts from April, 2012


I completely fell off the wagon in my blogging and I feel a sense of loss - not recording all the wonderful and crazy times between last year and this. I am not promising anything, but this is my attempt to begin again. My sister Dana motivated me - we are kind of in competition - she always beats me. Both times we have been pregnant at the same times with dates within weeks of eachother, I have always been first. But she has always had her baby first! This time she was supposed to have her baby 3 weeks before me, yet she beat me by almost a week! Little Porter is adorable and it's fun to compare notes and support each other. See HERE for her blog. Hopefully I will soon be able to record my birth story. For now, I will just say that my Hypnobabies water birth came to fruition and I was soooo grateful for Hypnobabies to get me through. Hopefully this isn't a trend, but Holland definitely tried my patience more than it's probably ever been tried before as he took an extra