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Showing posts from September, 2015

Bohdi Yoga, First Class

I am super pumped!  - In a zen kind of way (:  In fact, after my first weekend of Yoga Teacher training with Syl at Bohdi Yoga, I felt so centered - enlightened even...until I came home and dropped something and swore, then yelled at my kids because they had been in the house all day and were stir crazy and hungry and I realized I was absolutely exhausted from 2 days of yoga and cramming my brain with words like "Utkatasana and Udiandabanda".  I learned about so many amazing ways to teach, support, adjust and teach with "upeka", I'm just so excited!  I also learned that Buhdi Yoga is one of the only studios in Utah Valley that teaches prenatal Yoga and they are designing a premier program right now that I can be a part of!   Now I can specialize my Yoga Training in Prenatal Yoga!  I felt lead to join Bohdi and didn't have any idea why until this weekend. Now I just have to go out and start practice teaching and get going on my personal practice!

Bohdi Yoga - The Start

I am getting my Yoga Teacher Certification through Bohdi Yoga here in Provo! If you want, you can go to to learn aboaut Utah Velley's first yoga studio and what type of Yoga I will be certifying in!  I am so excited!  Part of doing the course is regularly blogging part of my experience.  I am excited to share what I am going to be learning.