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Showing posts from January, 2009

We had a Wonderfully Merry Christmas!

By DAY we skiied, sledded, visited, hiked, talked some more and ATE! By NIGHT we took the 10 foot PILE of mattresses down and laid them across the floor of ST. GINGER (Yes, my Dad has elected her for Saint-hood!) floor and everyone slept (until Brooklyn woke us all up!) We ate A LOT! Brooke and Mike are back from spending over a year in Norway! It was good to see them (and Brookies Little Belly!) Brooke's Sister in Law threw her a Baby Shower. Brooklyn developed a bit of an attitude this trip - she even learned to say NO! Sledding is SO FUN! CHRISTMAS Morning was wonderful. Brooklyn didn't really get it, but liked her presents! Even with doing Secret Santas, everyone got lots of presents (EVEN Trey this year!) I shouldn't even admit this, but last year, somehow he got left out of the Secret Santa List!! (oops!) Crazy Kelty jumped off the Hot tub, BARE FOOT into the snow/bushes Christmas Morning! The rest of us stayed in the cozy house and ate a lot! Thank you FAMILY

2009 Shall be Fine... just after a few little glitches...

Wow! Another year has gone by. It was so full of wonderful things! I love new years. Writing down my goals, having a new start. I think it's healthy, 'cause otherwise January would be a very blah month! Our trip home from Utah was awesome. Trey saw that there was a plane leaving directly to Chicago across from our gate at the airport. He asked if we could just jump onto that plane (just because he is so good looking) the stewardess let us! It was right at Brooklyn's nap time, so she just fell asleep in my arms for the first hour or so, then was in a great mood for the next hour and a half! I knew that was an omen that 2009 is truly going to be FINE! But, when we arrived home, we heard rushing water and constant drips of water coming down on our steps. Luckily it wasn't our house that flooded - but it was our neighbors. Our landlord came over and we looked in their apartment - the ceiling had come crashing down!!! It looked like a demolition crew had been in there! Our w