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Showing posts from November, 2011

Halloween 2001!

Having kids gives you unique opportunities to relive your childhood! Halloween is definitely one of those times! Especially this year with Brooklyn in Trey's childhood costume and going trick or treating with my friend who I trick or treated with when I was a kid! What a trip/ck it was to watch as our kids did the exact thing we did together when we were that age! Brooklyn and Trey in Matching Cotumes - same age! 28 years later! Rochelle's kids are absolutely adorable! Brooklyn and Jude were on cloud nine running from house to house with the whole troop of characters! Rochelle also has a newborn - Liam who was born at 27 weeks but is now 4 months old and a whopping 8 pounds! (Wish I had taken a picture!) Brooklyn and Jude were Bats. Jude thought saying 'Trick or Treat' meant "open this for me please!" so he would go and get the candy and the door and then give it to me and say "Tick o teat!" and refuse to go any further till I gave him some c

Fall Adventures in the Windy City

October has been a busy month of weekly trips to local attractions, a trip to Detroit and Valparaiso and preschool at our house! The Brookfield Zoo is really impressive, especially the Dolphin show - where we got splashed (: Jude figured out fast what he liked best about his first football game (: We went back to Valpo for one of their football games. It's the last season Trey will know some of the guys from the team. Our trip to Detroit was part of the 28th Birthday Celebrations for Trey. Jude has started saying sentances like "I LOVE YOU" and repeating back what we say which is really fun! He's got a huge knock on his head and a runny nose, makes a mess all day, wakes up at 5:30 every morning and likes to be Naked all the time but he is just SOOO CUTE it's almost unbearable! Trey and I went on a date on a sailing ship before it started to get too cold. It was neat seeing the city from the water! It is such an incredible place to live! The Lincoln Park Zoo is

Detroit with the Gooches!

We went out to see our wonderful friends from BYU, the Gooches. I can't believe it has been 4 years since we saw them last, but it was such a dream come true to get our adorable kids together and hang out with them! Trey and Dave went to a Football game together, we explored a bit, but most of all, just enjoyed hanging out like the "old days" and let the kids love and enjoy the the space and outdoor trampoline and playground! The Gooch and Clark Family back in 2005 and..... Us Now! Heather and I are both expecting our Third babies 6 weeks apart - Our other two are less than 3 months apart. The kids were instant friends...I knew they would be!