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Showing posts from September, 2009

Brooklyn's Birthday!

Happy Second Birthday Brooklyn! My Baby is not so much of a baby anymore! She is two - talking - bossing - joking - singing - dancing - playing - drawing - counting - learning and growing - up - too fast! We had the most wonderful Second Birthday Party to celebrate though, at a KNEE HIGH MINIATURE HORSE FARM!!! I was so excited about this party - in fact, Brooklyn didn't really know what was going on, but I spent hours making cupcakes that looked like horse heads, planning and inviting to this party. The weather and company was perfect in every way! Judy even flew in for the weekend to be here for Brooklyn's Birthday! Here are the photos: My dear friend from childhood Rochelle, who now lives in Chicago drove (a two hour drive each way with traffic) with her 3 kids and 8 months pregnant to the party! It was so fun to have her kids there and see her! A special thanks for your effort to come out! While giving special thanks, I just have to thank Judy for coming and being here for

The Popcorn Festival with Fred/Papa!

We had a blast with Papa coming into town! Orville Reddenbacher comes from Valparaiso, and so every year there is a big popcorn festival there! We all went down Saturday morning for the parade. Here are some photos! These floats were completely covered in popcorn! We missed you Brooke! Brooklyn loves her Papa! She would ask that he read her her nighttime stories and when she'd wake up, she'd go straight to his room to see if he was there- even after he left! Our Happy Girl!

Our Adventures Continue!

...even in Indiana! University of Chicago Orientaion Trey had his orientation at the last weekend to start his MBA program. (He has also started the semester to finish up his Masters in Chinese this semester). Brooklyn and I went up to Chicago Saturday and went to the Zoo while he went to the orientation, went to lunch with our dear friends the Kelty and Duane and then they took Brooklyn while I went to part of the orientation with Trey. I got to meet Trey's classmates and several of the spouses. It is an absolutely incredible school and program - very exciting for both Trey and I! After we went over to Kelty and Duanes, where Brooklyn was as happy as could be, and played some games! So fun. The Zoo We spent most of the day with the Monkeys and Gorillas, But we saw the Kangaroos, Zebras, Seals, Lions and Tigers and birds too! We love the Zoo! Blueberry Picking! I thought we'd missed the season for blueberry picking, but found a few places that were still open, so Brookl