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Showing posts from June, 2016

Yoga for Emotional Healing

I found Yoga when my marriage was falling apart.  I was in emotional turmoil whenever he was around and often when he wasn't. Looking back I am surprised that I was able to keep it together.  I guess I'm like my Dad with eternal optimism in my genes even though all signs were pointing to my worst nightmare.  In any case, there was a beautiful smelling, warm Yoga studio at Lifetime fitness and I gravitated to it and found a place to find serenity, challenge, friends, strength and insight.  I grew up being very active, so moving my body and getting my heart rate us is essential for my emotional wellbeing, but previously I had done everything from Crossfit to running and going to gym classes.  They were great, but once I found Yoga I would watch people doing those things after an awesome workout - and having laid in Shavasana for the past 15 min. I would wonder if they had ever tried Yoga!  I was more fit, healthy and stable than ever and the class was so enjoyable! Once I left