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Showing posts from April, 2016

Integrity of the Pose

Integrity Today while teaching Yoga, I really focused on the integrity of poses because I am in an Integrity seminar with Landmark!  I've learned about how when something is broken, it has lost integrity and all you have to do is restore the integrity to make it work. Restoring integrity into the pose helps you get into a powerful place that is workable, no matter where you are in your practice. I have experienced Syl do this in our Yoga Teacher Training where we broke down a pose for 10-20 minutes and now every time I get into that pose it has more integrity. It was fun to work that into my class today.

Tips for better teaching

Learning I went to Ohio to visit my closest friend Leah.  Most people in my life are amazed that she is my best friend because we are probably the 2 most different people on the planet.  She is type A, perfectionist,  and amazing amazing amazing.  Her home looks like it came out of pinterest, and her home and life runs like a well oiled machine. But we are both Yogi, holistic living/eating/healing students, we are both Dulas and both have eccentric mothers (: In any case, while I was there, I went to her incredible Bar class. I've been to several of her classes and she is so so good at teaching!  I was intimidated, but asked her if I could teach her some Yoga and get some feedback.  Other than my sisters and kids at church, I haven't really taught anyone so I was nervous and I definitely didn't feel the flow.  Her feedback was awesome though!  I will share it here: Lead with what they need to do next about 4 seconds before they get there Speak up! Speak Less Don